This item pertains to industrial building on bird habitat. 

Creativity is the heart of adaptive evolution.
Terry Tempest Williams

Begin forwarded message:

Subject: Solidarity with Indigenous Seneca Nation Opposing Mega-Industrial Development Outside Buffalo

Hi folks-
Here's another opportunity to show some solidarity with indigenous sovereignty efforts-- this one is in Western New York.  I've gotten this message from two different environmental groups today- which is great to see!


Join in solidarity with the Tonawanda Seneca Nation and contact the NY State Department of Environmental Conservation to stop the construction of the 1,263-acre mega-industrial development, outside Buffalo, NY.


The development threatens 20,000 acres of wetlands, grasslands, and woodlands, providing habitat for threatened and endangered species such as the state-listed Endangered Short-Eared Owl and Threatened Northern Harrier. The project must be stopped.


Please use this tool and share it with your members to oppose this development and request the DEC conduct a public approval process and deny the “Take” Permit requested by the site developers. 


Cayugabirds-L List Info:
Please submit your observations to eBird!

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