
I am writing a PERL script to execute a number of CCP4 commands (ncsmask, pdbset, and dm) in succession. I have tried using system call or PIPE command, neither of which work. The ccp4 scripts generated work independently on the command line.

we do this in the eds map generation script. first create a little shell script that runs the ccp4 programs:

# generate refmac script file
open (OUTFILE,">refmac.com") || die "$! can't open file refmac.com \n";
select (OUTFILE);

if ($tls_flag ne "") {
  print "$tlsextract XYZIN $pdbfile TLSOUT $tlsin > tlsext.log\n\n";


and then execute it with the system command (of course, you have to make the file executable first, or maybe "source" it instead of executing it - could this have been your problem?):

close (OUTFILE);
system ("chmod 744 refmac.com");
system ("./refmac.com");

works fine on a plain-vanilla linux box


p.s.: a propos an earlier thread, a solution is to use answers.com instead of wikip... e.g.: http://www.answers.com/molecular%20geometry and http://www.answers.com/topic/dihedral-angle?cat=technology and http://www.answers.com/topic/alkane-stereochemistry - this should work in the land of the great firewall; not sure about other orwellian countries (let me know off-line if it doesn't)

                        Gerard J.  Kleywegt
     [Fellow of the Resdep of the  Swedish Ministry of Truth]
Dept. of Cell & Molecular Biology  University of Uppsala
                Biomedical Centre  Box 596
                SE-751 24 Uppsala  SWEDEN

    http://xray.bmc.uu.se/gerard/  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The opinions in this message are fictional.  Any similarity
   to actual opinions, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

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