Another thing to consider is alternate ligand conformation. The water density 
(elongated) and the pocket composition (aromatic) could result in two 
alternative binding orientations (of the buffer? I need 3D). I would play 
around with models to see if it fits the density.

Paula Lario 


On Jul 9, 2010, at 5:12 AM, Nick Quade <> wrote:

> Dear CCP4 community,
> I have solved the structure of a protein in complex with DNA. But, inside the 
> protein there seems to be a ligand binding pocket with some strong density 
> (* *The protein 
> was in Tris buffer, with some NaCl, MgCl2 and DTT and crystallized in Li2SO4 
> with MES. What could this density be? I can exclude MES as crystals grown 
> with citrate buffer have the same density. So I guess it might be something I 
> co-purified or perhaps some degradation product of the DNA? The electron 
> density in the pictures is at 1.5sigma.
> Thanks in advance.
> Nick

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