Dear All,

We are seeking to recruit a postdoctoral researcher to study multi-protein complexes involved in eukaryotic transcriptional regulation by X-ray crystallography and biochemistry. The successful candidate will join the Christoph Müller group at the Structural and Computational Biology Unit at EMBL Heidelberg. EMBL is a leading international research organization with a collaborative and interdisciplinary atmosphere (see The Müller group studies molecular mechanisms of eukaryotic transcriptional regulation. Further details are available at We are seeking to recruit an outstanding candidate with a strong interest in the X-ray structure determination of challenging multi-protein complexes. The candidate is expected to pursue purification, crystallization and X-ray structure determination of transcription complexes in a high-quality team.

The successful candidate holds a Ph.D. in structural biology or biochemistry. Previous experience in crystallization/X-ray crystallography is an advantage. The position requires the ability to work independently as well as in a team and excellent technical, organizational and management skills.

EMBL is an inclusive, equal opportunity employer offering attractive conditions and benefits appropriate to an international research organisation. Applicants should submit a covering letter describing their motivation, interest in the position and research interests, a CV including a list of publications and the names and contact information of 3 referees.
Closing date: February 13, 2011. To apply please go to: <> Please contact me via e-mail if you require additional information (

Best regards,

Dr. Christoph W. Muller
Joint Head of Structural and Computational Biology Unit

Meyerhofstrasse 1
69117 Heidelberg, Germany

phone: 0049-6221-387-8320
fax: 0049-6221-387-519

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