
I have a diffraction data-set from a hexagonal rod shaped crystal, to about 2.0 
Å.  The problem comes when I try to process the data - Mosflm won't index it, 
and XDS indexes it as P622, but the unit cell is too small to contain even a 
single molecule of my protein.  I have tried integrating it in some different 
space groups that XDS suggested (P2, C2, P1) but in all cases the Rmerge and 
Rmeas are worse than for P622.  

If I scale in P622 (or any of the other space groups) I get odd results from 
the twinning tests.  For example, the 4th moment of E (expected values of 2 for 
untwinned, 1.5 for perfect twin) is around 1.1, and the L-test and cumulative 
intensity distribution are unusual as well (uploaded images here:  
http://tinypic.com/r/65rfr7/7 and here:  http://tinypic.com/r/30adgyr/7 )

Has anyone else had similar issues?  Any ideas would be appreciated.



Jason Busby
PhD Student
Laboratory of Structural Biology
School of Biological Sciences
University of Auckland
Thomas Building 110
3a Symonds St
Private Bag 92019
Auckland  1142
New Zealand

ph:  +64 9 3737599 ext 83888
fx:  +64 9 3737414

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