
There is a parity analysis in dataman (a USF program) for example. You have to take into account that the sigmas are generally estimated assuming a unimodal intensity distribution, which is no longer true in the pseudo-symmetric case. In practice this means that the sigmas of the strong reflections tend to be underestimated (generally not a problem really) and those of the weak reflections are overestimated. This can be avoided to some extent by scaling the h+k = 2n and h+k = 2n +1 reflections separately. I ended up writing a small python script to do this from XDS output and scaling separately (see Oksanen et al. (2006) Acta Cryst. D62 1369-1374). Of course it would be even better if the scaling program would directly take into account the bimodal distribution...


On 26.7.2011, at 15.51, zhang yu wrote:


I had a dataset which is P21 but with a pseudo-translational symmetry of (1/2, 1/2 ,0). Theoretically the dataset should show systematic weak spots of h+K= 2n+1 compared to h+k= 2n. Is that correct?

I would like to have a close look at the reflections. for example, the average I/sigma for reflections with h+k=2n+1 and reflections with h+k=2n. Which software could do this job? A brief tutorial is appreciated.


Yu Zhang
HHMI associate
Waksman Institute, Rutgers University
190 Frelinghuysen Rd.
Piscataway, NJ, 08904

Esko Oksanen, PhD
Post-doctoral Fellow (EMBO)
Groupe Synchrotron, Institut de Biologie Structurale J.P. Ebel
41, rue Jules Horowitz
F-38027 GRENOBLE Cedex 1
tel. +33 4 38 78 95 96
mob. +33 6 84 15 14 88

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