Bosch, Juergen wrote:
To pick a bit on George's point with MR & citation.

Here's how you can read it in the paper from your favourite competitor:

A homology model was generated using [fill in any program for ab initio
prediction] and subsequently used for molecular replacement with Molrep.
The structure was refined to an Rwork of 21% and Rfree of 24 %.

Or maybe the structure was solved by MIR, using a lot of heavy atom data that
they had been unable to solve until a fortuitous MR result gave phases which
located the heavy atoms -- No, No, it was that new improved version of autosol!
Anyway, who cares how the heavy atoms were located- the structure was solved
entirely using their data and they have the raw data (image files even) to
prove it. It was just bad luck with the derivatives that kept them from
solving it 6 months earlier. They really deserve to have the first publication!

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