Dear All, 

Registration is now open for the second annual meeting of CCP-BioSim "Frontiers 
of Biomolecular Simulation" at the University of Nottingham, Monday 25th to 
Wednesday 27th March 2013. The meeting is open to all - registration provides 
FREE membership of CCP-BioSim.

We have an impressive list of invited speakers: Alessio Ciulli (Cambridge), 
Gianni De Fabritiis (Barcelona), Philippe Hünenberger (ETH Zurich), Ruth 
Nussinov (Tel Aviv/NCI), Lars Schaefer (Frankfurt), Nigel Scrutton 
(Manchester), and Joanna Trylska (Warsaw).

Thanks to support from EPSRC and MGMS, we have been able to keep costs low; the 
registration fee: £50/75 (students/non-students) includes refreshments and 
conference dinner. On-site accommodation is available separately. 

If you are interested in presenting a short talk and/or poster REGISTER NOW - 
DEADLINE IS THE 21ST JANUARY. There are bursaries from the Molecular Graphics 
and Modelling Society for selected junior researchers.

For full details and to register, see:

*   Dr. Martyn Winn
*   STFC Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury, Warrington, WA4 4AD, U.K.
*   Tel: +44 1925 603455 (DL)   or   +44 1235 567865 (RcaH)
*   E-mail:       Skype: martyn.winn

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