You could try putting this into the Zanuda server

which will search for possible correct spacegroups given the coordinates
and structure factors. There are however no reasons why you can't have a
pseudo-cubic monoclinic lattice, however "unlikely" it is.

Best wishes, Graeme

On 25 October 2013 01:55, 유상헌 <> wrote:

> Hi everyone,****
> ** **
> Recently I’ve got a protein crystal and I did indexing and scaling with a
> cubic space group (unit cell 104.115 104.115 104.115 90.0 90.0 90.0). But
> a Rmerge value was too high (around 0.5-0.6). So, I tried lower symmetry
> space groups and I successfully solved the structure with a space group P21
> (Rwork/Rfree: 0.22/0.27). However, there was one strange fact. The unit
> cell of the P21 was 104.209 104.225 104.254 90.000 89.967 90.000. I’m
> confused with this fact that a, b, and c of the unit cell are almost same,
> and in addition, the beta angle is too close to 90. I didn’t do refinement
> with a twin option. So, is the space group correct? Is there anyone who
> know this case?****
> ** **
> Thanks,****
> ** **
> Sangheon Yu****
> Rm. 1053 Bldg. 200****
> School of Agricultural Biotechnology****
> College of Agriculture & Life Sciences****
> Seoul National University****
> Seoul 151-921, KOREA ****
> ** **
> ** **

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