Dear Sasha,

I was taught that 'scientist' was best translated into German as
'Naturwissenschaftler' rather than the general term 'Wissenschaftler'.
Mathematicians were philosophers and e.g. economy belongs maybe to
humanities. I thought this distinction was also made at the Imperial
College were my English learned at school settled further.

I am not a native speaker, if I am wrong I would like to apolgise - I
meant no offense.


On 11/29/2014 01:47 PM, Alexandre OURJOUMTSEV wrote:
> Dear Tim,
> as you know I avoid making public comments and prefer enjoying the comments 
> done by others, however this time is hard to resist :-)
> I was surprised by your mail : do you mean that mathematicians are NOT 
> SCIENTISTS ?! Do you mean that they are nasty persons who fight against 
> "normal biologists", do not let them developing new techniques and prevent 
> them from achieving their holy goals ? 
> I think (hope) all of us are a sort "natürphilosophes" (is it a right term in 
> German ? "estestvoispytatel'" = "естествоиспытатель" in Russian), all of us 
> trying to solve the same Global Problems, looking on them from different 
> sides and applying the best of our individual knowledge. This diversity is a 
> force of our community, and there is a very nice article by Kathleen Lonsdale 
> dated by September 1953 (!!! more than 60 year ago! ) in Acta Cryst, 6, 
> 874-875, entitled "The training of modern crystallographers". She is talking 
> exactly about "chemists, biochemists, physicists, geologists, engineers or 
> mathematicians" (we can make this list much longer); a short and excellent 
> text. 
> Each of us has a "center of gravity of individual knowledge" in different 
> domains, and professional points of view  are useful to contribute into 
> development of the respective parts of our Global Project (not only Global 
> Phasing :-). Then I see nothing wrong if an expert in methods (Pavel in this 
> case; I think he deserves this word) gives a general point of view to a 
> person who "wants to improve crystallographic methods" because without such 
> general points of view (usually based on a profound experience of many other 
> experts) the improvements we are waiting for may not come or will come with a 
> pain (cannot resist from citing Arthur Conan Doyle: "All refinement is 
> through sorrow"). 
> I hope that it was just an unfortunate phrase in your mail and that everybody 
> understands what exactly you had in mind :-) During my life I was lucky 
> seeing fantastic collaborative projects of biologists and mathematicians.
> With best regards,
> Sacha Urzhumtsev
> Prof. of Universities of Lorraine and of Strasbourg
> ________________________________________
> De : CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] de la part de Tim Gruene 
> []
> Envoyé : samedi 29 novembre 2014 11:16
> Objet : Re: [ccp4bb] Free Reflections as Percent and not a Number
> Hi Pavel,
> I think your email highlights one of the differences between us and one
> of the reasons for this discussion:
> I am a scientist, not a mathematician - I want to improve
> crystallographic methods because people who solve crystal structures
> want an answer to a biological or chemical or physical question rather
> than because they enjoy watching the realisation of a mathematical
> definition. I like Ken Follett's definition of a physicist, for whom
> reality is a poor approximation to theory, but the motivation for my
> research runs the other way round.
> Cheers,
> Tim
> On 11/29/2014 05:12 AM, Pavel Afonine wrote:
>> Hi Tim,
>> your examples are valid and valuable, and clearly exemplify existing
>> problems, limitations as well as common misconceptions.
>> However, if you follow mathematics and strict definitions thereof, then
>> crystallographic structure refinement is nothing but an optimization
>> problem that, fundamentally, to be defined requires: a) definition of model
>> parameterization, b) definition of a function that relates experimental
>> data and model parameters, and c) definition of a method that changes model
>> parameters in a such a way that optimizes (most of the time minimizes) the
>> chosen (at step "b") function.
>> Please don't think that I've just made up or invented these "a)-b)-c)"
>> steps above.. In fact, this has been published, for example, in
>> *Acta Cryst.* (1985). A*41*, 327-333,
>> and then reiterated using modern jargon, for example, in
>> *Acta Cryst.* (2012). D*68*, 352-367.
>> (I say "for example" above just to stick to the context and also point out
>> that you can find more examples in crystallographic literature as well as
>> in totally different disciplines such as economics, aerospace science etc.)
>> Anyways, once all the above (a-b-c) are set and defined, then your only
>> goal is as "simple" as finding the global minimum of the function that you
>> have chosen to optimize.
>> Anything else beyond that are either technical details or various
>> inefficiencies related to improper model parameterization, improper target
>> choice or using limited optimization tool.
>> All the best,
>> Pavel
>> On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 11:40 AM, Tim Gruene <>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear Pavel,
>>> there is a beautiful paper called 'Where freedom is given, liberties are
>>> taken' by Kleywegt and Jones, but also a wide variety of articles that
>>> (fortunately) fought hard for the introduction of Rfree to the
>>> (macro-)crystallographic community.
>>> In there is mentioned the threading of an amino acid chain backwards
>>> into the density achieving (by refinement) a lower R-value than the
>>> original one. Since this was achieved with refinement, the former
>>> structure was closer to the global minimum than the latter one.
>>> Apparently none of these authors had an idea how to modify the target
>>> function so that this would not happen - whyfore they suggested to use
>>> cross validation to avoid it.
>>> If you don't like this line of thought, I can offer a different one:
>>> there is a vast number of sets of parameters that ideally fit your data:
>>> fill your asymmetric unit randomly with atoms so that your data to
>>> parameter ratio is 1 or lower. Refine unrestrained and your are going to
>>> end up with an R-value of 0. For unrestrained refinement, the formula
>>> for the R-value corresponds (maybe not for maximum likelhood based
>>> target functions, you may have to do some translation here) to the
>>> target function, which  usually has a lower bound of zero, hence this
>>> vast number of "structures" all reached the global minimum. Note that
>>> the deposited structure has an R value much greater than 0, i.e. it is
>>> far away from the global minimum.
>>> In order to improve the situation, one modifies the target function by
>>> adding restraints. They increase the target value of all "structures",
>>> but in general those for the arbitrary solutions increase so much more
>>> than that for an acceptable solution that most of those are lifted above
>>> that of an acceptable solution.
>>> As an example, one of the structures for the yeast polymerase I contains
>>> about 34,500 atoms, i.e. the target function is minimised in a 138,000
>>> dimensional space. I don't think there is a proof that any set of
>>> restraints is ever so ideal that all false solutions are lifted above
>>> the target value of the accepted solution. In fact, without being able
>>> to proove it, I doubt that this the case, which lead me to the below
>>> claim that we don,t necessarily want to reach the global minimum of the
>>> target function.
>>> Of course an acceptable structure actually may have a target value
>>> representing a global minimum, but I don't think this is always true.
>>> Best,
>>> Tim
>>> On 11/28/2014 05:42 PM, Pavel Afonine wrote:
>>>> Hi Tim,
>>>> you don't necessarily want to find the global minimum (...)
>>>> this contradicts the definition of crystallographic structure refinement.
>>>> If finding the global minimum is not what you ultimately want then either
>>>> the refinement target or model parameterization are poor.
>>>> Clearly, given complexity of refinement target function profile (in case
>>> of
>>>> macromolecules) we unlikely to reach the global minimum; however,
>>> reaching
>>>> it is what we aim for (by definition and construction of refinement
>>>> program) .
>>>> Pavel
>>> --
>>> Dr Tim Gruene
>>> Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
>>> Tammannstr. 4
>>> D-37077 Goettingen
>>> GPG Key ID = A46BEE1A
> --
> Dr Tim Gruene
> Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
> Tammannstr. 4
> D-37077 Goettingen
> GPG Key ID = A46BEE1A

Dr Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


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