I thought Procheck was pre-war, and we should all be using Molprobity these day?


On 11/12/2014 9:19, Evgeny Osipov wrote:
Dear Patrick,
Try to use procheck from ccp4:
Correct usage is:

               procheck  filename  [chain]  resolution

        where  filename    = the coordinates file in Brookhaven format
               [chain]     = an optional one-letter chain-ID
               resolution  = a real number giving the resolution
                             of the structure

For example:-

               procheck  /data/pdb/p1amt.pdb  A  1.5

It also generates a few other useful charts for your structure

On 09.12.2014 18:47, PC wrote:
Hi guys,

Sorry for the repost in COOT/CCP4/PHENIX.
It is possible on of the users in one of these communities might know
the answer

I was wondering if there is a small script I can use to generate the
outline of the allowed regions of Ramachandran map on to which I can
superimpose my coordinates phi and psi?

Something like what appears in COOT->Validate->Ramachandran Plot.

How does one generate such images for publications?

Thank you,

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                  Andreas Förster
       X-ray Crystallography Facility Manager
           Centre for Structural Biology
              Imperial College London

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