Dear Oarabile M. Kgosisejo,

if you add distant restraints between the metal and the oxygens, the side chains
should not be pulled into the centre.

I think that refmac5 recognises the LINK records in the PDB file, e.g. with the

LINK        ZN    ZN A2666                 SG  CYS A 102     1555   1555  2.41

I am not sure this holds true for phenix.refine. If not you need to define the
distance in the .eff file of your refinement, but I wouldn't know the syntax
without looking at the documentation at


On Fri, Mar 06, 2015 at 06:17:59PM +0000, Kgosisejo, Oarabile wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am refining the structure of a metalloenzyme with 2 Mn, a cacodylate and 5 
> residues coordinating the metal center (the active site) using 2.25 A data. I 
> am able to place the residues in their electron density using Coot. However, 
> after refinement using Phenix the metal-coordinating residues and the 
> cacodylate molecule move out of their electron densities (they pull towards 
> the metal center). Please see attached screenshot. The rest of the molecule 
> is fine
> The edits and cif files used in refinement were created using  Phenix 
> ReadySet. The refinement options checked in Phenix are XYZ coordinates, Real 
> space, Individual B-factors and Occupancies. X-ray/ stereochemistry and 
> X-ray/ADP weights are optimized.
> I am wondering if there is refinement strategy or anything that I can do to 
> keep the residues in the electron density?
> Your suggestions are appreciated
> Best Regards,
> Oarabile M. Kgosisejo

Dr Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


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