On behalf of the organising committee I would like to publicise the upcoming 
third edition of the Congress "ICG - Italian Crystal Growth", which will be 
held the next Fall on November 20-21, 2017 at Università degli Studi di 
Milano-Bicocca in Milan (Italy).

For some years now, this Conference has been representing a key landmark of 
outstanding scientific quality for the community of Italian crystal growers 
and, in general, for scientists involved in the development of novel 
crystalline materials with advanced functionalities. The latest ICG edition in 
2013 took place in Parma (Italy) and was attended by more than 120 
participants, including both young researchers and representatives from 
industry. This year, the following topics will be covered by dedicated 
scientific sessions with one dedicated to biomolecules:

 *   Fundamentals of Crystal Growth
 *   Low Dimensional Structures: films, wires, dots
 *   Organic-based Materials
 *   Crystalline Materials for Energy
 *   Industrial Crystallization
 *   Crystallization of Biomolecules

Please note that venue of young attendees is particularly encouraged. Full 
information on the scientific program, venue, fees and bursaries can be found 
on the ICG2017 website (http://sites.unimi.it/ICG2017/).

Best regards
Marjolein Thunnissen

Dr. Marjolein Thunnissen
Head User Office
Chair SIG-1 Macromolecular Crystallography http://ecanews.org/mwp/groups/sig-01/

MAX IV Laboratory
Lund University
P.O. Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden
Visiting address: Fotongatan 2, 225 94 Lund
Telephone:    +46 46 2224668
Mobile:          +46 766 32 04 17

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