Hi David,

On Fri, 18 Dec 2020 11:53:08 +0000, David Waterman <dgwater...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Hi folks
>The paper "Substructure solution with SHELXD
>(Schneider & Sheldrick, 2002) describes how
>data can be truncated at the resolution at which [ΔF to its estimated
>> standard deviation as a function of the resolution] drops to below about 1.3
>Is this referring to the quantity <|ΔF|>/<σ(ΔF)> calculated in resolution
>shells, or the quantity <|ΔF|/σ(ΔF)> ?

the latter

the only scaling program that I know of that calculates ratios of averages is 
the others calculate averages of ratios.

>This entry
>on the ccp4wiki gives a cutoff
>where the mean value of |ΔF|/σ(ΔF) falls below about 1.2 (a value of 0.8
>> would indicate pure noise)
>this version sounds to me like <|ΔF|/σ(ΔF)>


>which is the "better" metric, and what do people mean when they say
>DANO/SIGDANO? What is the justification for the 1.3 (or 1.2) value?

I don't know the justification; maybe just experience? Surely the higher the 
better.  I've seen George Sheldrick deriving the value of ~0.8
when there is _no_ anom signal but I forgot the details, sorry ...

best wishes,


>-- David
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