Postdoctoral Researcher – cryo-Electron Microscopy - fixed term – for up to 36 

At Birkbeck/UCL -ISMB- Gabriel Waksman Lab

The ISMB is seeking a Post-Doctoral Research Assistant to carry out structural 
analysis of the Type IV Secretion System by cryo-electron microscopy with 
Professor Gabriel Waksman. The laboratory has been exceptionally productive 
over the years in this area (see Science, 2009, 323:266-268; Nature, 2009, 
462:1011-1015; Nature, 2014, 508:550-553; Cell, 2016, 166:1436–1444; Cell, 
2017, 169:708–721; Nature. 2022, 607:191-196). The research programme is funded 
by a grant from the Wellcome Trust. Further details on the research group and 
on type IV secretion can be found at

Applicants should have a PhD in Structural Molecular Biology, and experience in 
Electron Microscopy, Image Processing, Biophysics, Biochemistry or related 

To apply (and read further details on job description), click on the following 

Closing date: 15th November 2022 - Tentative interview date: 29th November 2022


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