I like the function "update NCS ghosts with local match" found in the calculate/NCT tools menu. It's really helpful when NCS is not really strict. However, I find it clumsy that you have to go in a submenu to get it, so I would like to define a keyboard shortcut... this would be much faster.

Which function should I use to  do that ?

(add_key_binding "Update ghosts" "a" (unknown function)

thanks a lot !



 Laurent Maveyraud

   Professor of Biophysics | University of Toulouse

Doctoral School Biology - Health - Biotechnologies

+33 5 61 17 54 35 | +33 6 46 04 21 11 | laurent.maveyr...@ipbs.fr <mailto:laurent.maveyr...@ipbs.fr>

UMR5089 | CNRS - UT3 | 205 Route de Narbonne BP 64182 - 31077 Toulouse Cedex 4

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