Pascal did not have strings originally, but it is a common "enhancement".  I recall 40 years ago setting out to write a program to create a data file using the S/370 ANSI Pascal compiler and it did not have strings.


On 2024-01-04 8:51 p.m., Sellam Abraham via cctalk wrote:
Pascal has strings.


On Thu, Jan 4, 2024 at 4:19 PM Warner Losh via cctalk <>

My first two pascal programs of any size were an Alarm Clock for my DEC
Rainbow and a PDP-11 simulator, also for my DEC Rainbow (I did a science
fair project comparing stack machines to traditional ones, but invented my
own stack machine and was too young to know the right way to
compare/contrast the two different machines, so I scraped by with a better
than average rating... mostly because nobody knew how to evaluate it, but
that was to my advantage thinking back on it...). Ah, fond memories of
Turbo Pascal.

Lack of strings, and lack of a good way to do portable I/O doomed the


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