> On Apr 22, 2024, at 2:34 PM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
> wrote:
> On 4/22/24 11:09, Bill Gunshannon via cctalk wrote:
>> Following along this line of thought but also in regards all our
>> other small CPUs....
>> Would it not be possible to use something like a Blue Pill to make
>> a small board (small enough to actually fit in the CPU socket) that
>> emulated these old CPUs?  Definitely enough horse power just wondered
>> if there was enough room for the microcode.
> Blue pills are so yesterday!  There are far more small-footprint MCUs
> out there.   More RAM than any Z80 ever had as well as lots of flash for
> the code as well as pipelined 32-bit execution at eye-watering (relative
> to the Z80) speeds.
> Could it emulate a Z80?  I don't see any insurmountable obstacles to
> that.  Could it be cycle- and timing- accurate?   That's a harder one to
> predict, but probably.

Probably not.  Cycle accurate simulation is very hard.  It's only rarely been 
done for any CPU, and if done it tends to be incredibly slow.  I remember once 
using a MIPS cycle-accurate simulator (for the SB-1, the core inside the 
SB-1250, later called BCM-12500).  It was needed because the L2 cache flush 
code could not be debugged any other way, but it was very slow indeed.  Almost 
as bad as running the CPU logic model in a Verilog or VHDL simulator.  I don't 
remember the numbers but it probably was only a few thousand instructions per 

Then again, for the notion of a drop-in replacement for the original chip, you 
don't need a cycle accurate simulator, just one with compatible pin signalling. 
 That's not nearly so hard -- though still harder than a SIMH style ISA 


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