Celtic and Old English Saints          1 February

* St. Brigid of Kildare (see #1)
* St. Cinnia of Ulster
* St. Derlugdach of Kildare
* St. Crewenna
* St. Jarlath of Armagh
* St. Kinnia

St. Cinnia of Ulster Virgin
5th century. Saint Patrick (f.d. March 17) brought about the conversion
of this princess of Ulster and later gave her the veil (Benedictines).

St. Darlaugdach (Dardulacha, Derlugdach) of Kildare, Abbess and Virgin
Died after 525. Successor of Saint Brigid of Kildare as abbess of that
convent (Benedictines).

St. Crewenna
5th century. Saint Crewenna accompanied Saint Breaca (f.d. June 4; a
disciple of Saint Brigid from Ireland to Cornwall. There is no record of
him beyond the place named Crowan near Saint Erth (Benedictines).

St. Jarlath (Hierlath) of Armagh, Bishop
Died c. 480. Saint Jarlath, disciple of Saint Patrick, succeeded Saint
Benignus (f.d. November 9) in the see of Armagh

St. Kinnia, Virgin
6th century. Saint Kinnia was another Irish maiden baptized and
consecrated by Saint Patrick. She is highly venerated
in County Louth (Benedictines).

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