Celtic and Old English Saints          11 September

* St. Deiniol of Bangor

St. Deiniol (Daniel), Bishop of Bangor, Wales

The diocese of Bangor, anciently known as Bangor Vawr, situated in
Carnarvonshire on the Menai Straits, must be distinguished from Bangor
Iscoed also in Wales, and also from the celebrated Irish monastery of
Bangor in County Down.

The foundation of the see is traditionally ascribed to St. Daniel or
Deiniol (d. 584?) who is believed to have been consecrated by St.
Dubricius, or, according to others, St. David.

Some writers place his death in 544, others in 554, while the tenth
century "Annales Cambriae" assign it to 584. Yet even this date is
regarded by recent research as too early.

Another Life:

Deiniol (a Celtic form of the name Daniel), born in the early 6th
century, was an important figure in the development of Christianity in
North Wales. The son of a Celtic chieftain, he founded two monasteries,
both named Bangor, one of which was close to the modern town of that
name. These were flourishing houses, allegedly with a total of over
2000 monks; many were to perish near Chester at the hands of a pagan
king of Northumbria. Deiniol himself is regarded as the first bishop of
Bangor. There are numerous dedications to him in North Wales (including
the famous library which the Prime Minister Gladstone established in his
country seat at Hawarden, near Chester), but few in the South. In 545
he and St. Dyfrig, who worked in the border country, took part in a
synod with St. David which settled many matters regarding the discipline
of penance (something over which Celtic Christians enthused); this
suggests that Deiniol was regarded as David's equal. He died in about

And another Life:

St. Deiniol Gwyn,
Bishop of Bangor Fawr
(c.AD 535-584)
(Welsh-Deiniol, Latin-Dainiolus, English-Daniel)

Prince Deiniol the Blessed was a saintly man who appears to have already
established himself in Gwynedd in the early 6th century, long before his
father, King Dunaut of the Northern Pennines' defeat and expulsion from
Dunoting. Deiniol settled in Bangor Fawr on the Menai Straits where King
Maelgwn of Gwynedd gave him lands to establish a monastic Cathedral. He
later refounded the monastery at Bangor-Is-y-Coed (upon Dee) under the
patronage of his uncle, King Brochfael Ysgythrog (of the Tusks) of
Powys. Deiniol's aging father may have become Abbot here. Deiniol
attended the Synod of Llandewi Brefi where he was consecrated Bishop of
Bangor (Fawr) by St. Dewi (David) himself. Upon his return, he is said
to have founded churches at Llandeiniol in Dyfed and Llanfor and
Llanuwchllyn near Llyn Tegid (Lake Bala). Though he died at Bangor Fawr
on 11th September 584, his body was taken to Ynys Enlli (Bardsey Island)
to be buried. The Cathedral at Bangor (Fawr) is still dedicated to him

Troparion of St Deiniol tone 4
By thy teaching and pious life thou didst shine forth in the age of
Saints, O Hierarch Deiniol,/ and becoming Bangor's first bishop thou
wast an instrument of God's grace, leading many to salvation./ Pray, O
Saint, that we may be led into the Way of Truth that our souls may be

Icons of Saint Deiniol

Sacred Places of Wales: Bangor Cathedral

A Meditation on the Precious Cross
by a modern-day Abbot Deiniol of Wales

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