Celtic and Old English Saints          15 February

* St. Berach of Cluain
* St. Dochow of Wales
* St. Farannan of Iona
* St. Sigfrid of Wexlow
* Ss. Winaman, Unaman & Sunaman
* St. Tanco of Werden

St. Berach of Cluain, Abbot
(also known as Barachias, Berachius, Barry)
6th century. From the time of his birth, Berach was placed in the care
of his uncle, Saint Freoch. Later in life he became a disciple of Saint
Kevin and founded an abbey at Clusin-Coirpte in Connaught. He is the
patron saint of Kilbarry, County Dublin (Benedictines).

Troparion of St Berach tone 1
Disciple of our Father Kevin,/ teacher of true piety and radiance of all
Connaught, O Father Berach,/ by thy life and example thou didst bring
many souls to Christ./ Wherefore we pray thee to intercede for us that
our souls may be saved.

Kontakion of St Berach tone 4
Bright jewel in the crown of Erin's saints, great Father Berach,/ we
hymn thee and pray for the fortitude to follow thy steep path to
salvation,/ ever praising thy most glorious memory.

St. Dochow (Dochau, Dogwyn)
Date unknown. According to the life of Saint Samson, Dochow travelled
from Wales to Cornwall and founded a monastery there. In the Ulster
Annal, he is styled bishop. Saint Dochtwy appears to be another saint
altogether (Benedictines).

St. Farannan, Abbot
Died c. 590. The Irish Saint Farannan was a disciple of Saint Columba.
He eventually returned to Ireland to lead an eremitical life at
All-Farannan, now Allernan, Sligo, where he probably died

St. Sigfrid of Wexlow, Bishop
(also known as Sigfrid Vaxjo)
Born in Glastonbury, England (?); died at Vaxjo, Sweden, c. 1045.

Tradition says that the patron saint of Sweden is an Englishman,
Sigfrid, who reached Sweden as a result of a call from King
Olaf Tryggvason of Norway, who had been converted himself by another
Englishman, Saint Alphege. Sigfrid is said to have been born in
Northumberland, become a priest at York or Glastonbury, and was sent by
King Ethelred as a missionary to Norway with two other bishops, Grimkel
and John.

They laboured under the protection of the archbishop of Bremen
(Germany). After converting many pagans, Sigfrid continued on to Sweden
in 1008. Saint Ansgar had planted the seeds of faith in Sweden in 830;
but the country had relapsed into paganism soon after his time. A second
wave of missionary saints, including Sigfrid, followed about two
centuries later.

There he built himself a wooden church at Vaxjo in southern Sweden, and
laboured with success in the Smaeland and Vastergotland districts. He
converted twelve of the principal men of the province, then many others
followed their example. The fountain near the mountain of Ostrabo, since
called Wexlow) in which Sigfrid baptized the catechumens, long retained
the names of the first 12 converts, engraved on a monument.

Others, including the King Saint Olaf Skotkonung of Sweden, were
attracted out of curiosity to see the rich fabrics and beautiful vessels
used during the celebration of the Divine Service, to hear his
preaching, and to observe the dignity and majesty of the Christian
worship. That attracted them first. But it was the example of the lives
of Sigfrid and his companion missionaries that open their eyes of faith
and led to the baptism of so many others including the king, who was
baptized at Husaby (one of the sites in Sigrid Undset's book "Kristin
Lavransdatter") in a spring that later bore Sigfrid's name and was the
channel of many miracles.

Sigfrid ordained and consecrated two native bishops to govern
neighbouring territories, but he retained the episcopacy of Vaxjo while
he lived. His three nephews--Unaman, a priest; Sunaman, a deacon; and
Winaman, a subdeacon--were his chief assistants in his apostolic

Sigfrid also laboured in Denmark. During one of Sigfrid's absences from
Sweden, he instructed his three nephews to carry on the missionary work.
A troop of idolatrous rebels--perhaps out of hatred for Christianity,
perhaps in search of booty--plundered the church of Vaxjo and
barbarously murdered Sigfrid's nephews by cutting off their heads,
putting them in a box, and flinging them into a lake. The bodies they
buried in the midst of the forest where they were never found.

Sigfrid returned, recovered the three heads and claimed that they could
still talk. He asked whether the crime would be avenged. "Yes," replied
the first head. "When?" asked the second. "In the third generation,"
answered the third. And so it was. The saint had brilliantly used the
dead heads to terrorise his living enemies. Their heads were placed in a
shrine. The king was angered by their deaths and resolved to execute the
murderers, but at Sigfrid's earnest entreaties Olaf spared their
lives--an early testimony against capital punishment. Olaf compelled the
guilty to pay a heavy fine to Sigfrid, but the saint refused to accept
it even though he was living in extreme poverty and had to contend with
rebuilding his church. Thenceforth,
he was invincible.

The saint became so renowned that the Germans claimed him as their own,
insisting that he had been born either in Bremen or Hamburg. He died in
old age, and his bones rest beneath the high altar of the cathedral of
Vaxjo, and are famous for miracles. Sigfrid was so successful that he is
called the Apostle of Sweden, where he is still venerated. A metrical
office for his feast survives in both Sweden and Denmark (Attwater,
Benedictines, Bentley, Delaney, Farmer, Husenbeth, Walsh).

Saint Sigfrid is pictured as a bishop with two companion monks crossing
the sea in a ship. He may also be shown baptizing King Olaf of Sweden,
or menaced by devils. There is a 14th century wall-painting possibly of
him at Stoke Orchard, Worcestershire (Roeder). He may also be
represented as a bishop carrying the heads of his three nephews, which
are sometimes misrepresented as three loaves (Farmer).

Ss. Winaman, Unaman & Sunaman, Monks Martyrs
Died c. 1040. Thes trio of nephews of Saint Sigfrid of Wexlow, followed
their uncle to the Swedish mission. The monks were martyred at Wexlow
(Vaxjo) by beheading. There bodies were buried deep in the forest but
the heads, which had been thrown into the nearby lake, were recovered
and enshrined in the church at Vaxjo until the impious Lutherans removed
them. These three are venerated in Sweden (Benedictines, Husenbeth).

St. Tanco of Werden, Bishop Martyr
(also known as Tancho, Tatta, Tatto)
Died 808. Irish Saint Tanco became abbot of the Benedictine monastery of
Amalbarich in Saxony and eventually bishop of Werden. He died at the
hands of a pagan mob whose savage customs he had denounced

For All the Saints:

An Alphabetical Index of the Saints of the West

These Lives are archived at:

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