Celtic and Old English Saints          18 April

* St. Laserian of Leighlin
* St. Cogitosus of Kildare
* St. Deicola
* St. Bitheus and St. Genocus

St. Laserian (Laisren, Molaisse, Lamliss) of Leighlin, Bishop
Born in Ireland; died April 18, c. 639. Probably identical to Saint
Lamliss (f.d. March 3), Saint Laserian was the grandson of King Aidan of
Scotland, nephew of Saint Blane (f.d. August 11), and son of Cairel and
Blitha. This noble Ulster couple entrusted the education of their
precious son to Saint Murin at Iona. The Celtic prefix of endearment
makes his name Molaise, and in Scotland it is so accentuated that he is
usually known as Molios.

He is said to have travelled to Rome, where he was ordained to the
priesthood by Saint Gregory the Great (f.d. September 3). Returning to
Ireland, he brought with him a new version of the Holy Scriptures, and
the rules by which the Roman Church fixed the date of Easter.

He settled near Saint Goban's (f.d. May 23) abbey of in Carlow, built a
cell, and gathered disciples around himself. He succeeded Goban as
abbot of the monastery of Leighlin and is said to have founded
Inishmurray in County Sligo.

At the national synod in March 630, held in the White Fields (Synod of
Magh Ailbhe) he, Cummian of Clonfert (f.d. November 12), and others
advocated abandoning the Irish method of calculating Easter in deference
to the Nicene formulation. Because of the opposition to the change
offered by such luminaries as Saint Munnu (f.d. October 21), a
delegation with Laserian at its head was sent to Rome to investigate the
question more fully.

As a result of the delegation's report, all of Ireland, except Columba's
monasteries, adopted the new reckoning for Easter in 633. The final
decision in favour of the Nicene reckoning in England was made at the
Council of Whitby some thirty years later.

An additional outcome was Laserian's consecration as bishop (either
without a particular see or of Leighlin--this is disputed) and
appointment by Pope Honorius I as apostolic legate to Ireland.

Laserian returned to Ireland with the relics of Saint Aidan of Ferns
(f.d. January 31). In the 11th century an intricately
wrought shrine with blue glass insets and parti-coloured enamel work was
designed for the relics. Stokes details the beauty of the surviving
portions of the piece which now resides in the National Museum. "Of an
original 21 saints arranged in three rows, eleven figures and three
pairs of feet survive. Three nuns in uniform habits with their hair
hanging in long curls. Eight male figures are in varied dress and
various postures, one with a sword, one 'standing in sorrow his cheek
resting in his hand.'"

Devotion to him is strongest on Inishmurray, where there are notable
monastic ruins and a series of praying-stations. He is
also venerated in Scotland, where a cave hermitage bearing his name
survives on Holy Island in Lamlash Bay, off Arran.

At Old Leighlin, there is still his well and S. Laserian's Cross, but
these are the only remains of his monastery. On Holy Island, in Lamlash
Bay, at Arran, there is a cave believed to be the saint's retreat and
marked with many pilgrims' crosses
(Attwater2, Benedictines, Coulson, D'Arcy, Farmer, Husenbeth, Kenney,
Montague, Muirhead, Porter, Stokes).

St. Cogitosus of Kildare
8th century. Saint Cogitosus may have been a monk at Kildare, Ireland.
Traditionally, he is named as the author of the life of Saint Brigid
(f.d. February 1), which provides the legends and miracles of Bride.
The work details the monastic life at Kildare and description of the
church during his life, including the separate accommodation made in the
church for monks and nuns.

Cogitosus expounded the metrical life of St. Brigid, and versified it in
good Latin. This is what is known as the "Second Life", and is an
excellent example of Irish scholarship in the mid-eighth century.

Perhaps the most interesting feature of Cogitosus's work is the
description of the Cathedral of Kildare in his day: "Solo spatioso et
inaltum minaci proceritate porruta ac decorata pictis tabulis, tria
intrinsecus habens oratoria ampla, et divisa parietibus tabulatis". The
rood-screen was formed of wooden boards, lavishly decorated, and with
beautifully decorated curtains. The original manuscript is in the
Dominican convent at Eichstadt in Bavaria (Benedictines, D'Arcy, Kenney,
Montague, O'Hanlon, Stokes, Tommasini).

And, from http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/04094a.htm

An Irishman, an author, and a monk of Kildare; the date and place of his
birth and of his death are unknown, it is uncertain even in what century
he lived. In the one work which he wrote, his life of St. Brigid, he
asks a prayer "pro me nepote culpabili," from which both Ware and Ussher
conclude that he was a nephew of St. Brigid, and, accordingly, he is put
down by them among the writers of the sixth century. But the word nepos
may also be applied to one who, like the prodigal, had lived riotously,
and it may be, that Cogitosus, recalling some former lapses from virtue,
so uses the word of himself. At all events, his editor, Vossius, is
quite satisfied that Cogitosus was no nephew of St. Brigid, because in
two genealogical menologies which Vossius had, in which were enumerated
the names of fourteen holy men of that saint's family the name of
Cogitosus is not to be found.

Nor did Cogitosus live in the sixth century because he speaks of a long
succession of bishops and abbesses at Kildare, showing that he writes of
a period long after the time of St. Brigid, who died in 525, and of St.
Conleth, who died a few years earlier. Besides this, the description of
the church of Kildare belongs to a much later time; and the author calls
St. Conleth an archbishop, a term not usual in the Western church until
the opening of the ninth century. On the other hand, he describes
Kildare before it was plundered by the Danes, in 835, and before St.
Brigades remains were removed to Down.

The probability therefore is that he lived and wrote the life of St.
Brigid about the beginning of the ninth century. His work is a
panegyric rather than a biography. He gives so few details of the
saint's life that he omits the date and place of her birth and the date
of her death; nor does he make mention of any of her contemporaries if
we except St. Conleth, the first Bishop of Kildare, an Macaille from
whom she received the veil. He gives the names of her parents, but is
careful to conceal the fact that she was illegitimate, and that her
mother was a slave. On the other hand, he dwells with evident
satisfaction on her piety, her humility, her charity, her zeal for
religion, the esteem in which she was held by all. And he narrates at
length the many miracles she wrought, and tells of the numbers who came
as pilgrims to Kildare, attracted by her fame. In his anxiety to exalt
her he says she had as abbess authority over all the abbesses of
Ireland, although as a matter of fact she could govern only those who
followed her rule; and his statement that she appointed the Bishop of
Kildare could not, of course, mean that she conferred any jurisdiction.

Cogitosus writes in fairly good Latin, much better indeed than might be
expected in that age, and his description of the church of Kildare with
its interior decorations is specially interesting for the history of
early Irish art and architecture. [E.A. D'Alton]

o Lisa Bitel's Commentary on the Life of Brigid in which she makes
extensive use of Cogitosus' "Life of Brigid." Presented at Fordham
University, February, 2001

St. Deicola (Dicuil)
7th century. Founder of the abbey at Bosham, Sussex, England. He went
there from Saint Fursey's Abbey at Burgcastle, East Anglia (Montague).

Ss. Bitheus and Genocus
6th century. The British monks Bitheus and Genocus accompanied Saint
Finnian of Clonard (f.d. December 12) to Ireland, where they gained a
reputation for sanctity (Benedictines).


Attwater, D. (1958). A Dictionary of Saints. New York:
P. J. Kenedy & Sons. [Attwater 2]

Benedictine Monks of St. Augustine Abbey, Ramsgate.
(1947). The Book of Saints. NY: Macmillan.

Bentley, J. (1986). A Calendar of Saints: The Lives of the
Principal Saints of the Christian Year, NY: Facts on File.

Coulson, J. (ed.). (1960). The Saints: A Concise Biographical
Dictionary. New York: Hawthorn Books.

D'Arcy, M. R. (1974). The Saints of Ireland. Saint Paul,
Minnesota: Irish American Cultural Institute.

Farmer, D. H. (1997). The Oxford Dictionary of Saints.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Husenbeth, Rev. F. C., DD, VG (ed.). (1928). Butler's
Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Other Principal Saints.
London: Virtue & Co.

Kenney, J. F. (1929). Sources for Early History of Ireland, vol.
1, Ecclesiastical. New York: Columbia University Press.

Montague, H. P. (1981). The Saints and Martyrs of Ireland.
Guildford: Billing & Sons.

Muirhead, L. R. (ed.). (1962). Benn Blue Guide to Ireland.
London: Ernest Benn Limited.

O'Hanlon, J. (1875). Lives of Irish Saints, 10 vol. Dublin.

Porter, A. K. (1931). The Crosses and Culture of Ireland.
New Haven: Yale University Press.

Stokes, M. (1932). Early Christian Art in Ireland. Dublin:
Government Publications.

Tommasini, Fra A. (1937). Irish Saints in Italy. London:
Sands and Company.

For All the Saints:

An Alphabetical Index of the Saints of the West

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