
my experience is that those contacts are always online although
they're sometimes not. I just didn't care much cause i just talk to
them and if they dun react they are offline :p
I dunno what google does different. Anybody else a clue or can confirm?

   boris "transacid" petersen

2010/2/11 Arnt Jørgen Lande <arnt.jorgen.la...@gmail.com>:
> Hi all,
> I am having some trouble with gtalk in version 4.22.9 lately. What happens
> is that, although the status for jab/gtalk shows as online all the time, the
> contacts appear offline after some time. (It doesn't happen with msn.)
> When none of my gtalk contacts appear to be online any more, they will
> reappear if I exit centerim and open it again. They disappear after some
> minutes or up to an hour.
> When my contacts appear offline, I can still send and receive messages
> to/from them.
> Have anybody else experienced this behaviour?
> I should mention that I have compiled centerim 4.22.9 from source on Ubuntu
> Jaunty for ARM (on the SheevaPlug). I don't know if this is relevant.
> Regards,
> Arnt Jørgen
> --
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