On 26. úno 14 15:54, Sébastien NOBILI wrote:
> I'm facing a problem and don't know how and where to solve it.
> I'd like to join a XMPP MUC (groupchat channel) that exists on a private 
> server.
> From dropdown menu (<F4>), "Add chat...":
>     - select associated XMPP account
>     - fill-in "Room"
>     - fill-in "Server" (even though it is the same as the account server)
>     - fill-in "Handle" and "Password"
>     - Give an alias, and a group
>     - ask to auto-join
> I can see a new entry matching this chat on the contact tree (left panel) but
> when I "click" on it, nothing happens.
> Is there a problem with this feature or did I misunderstand something ?
> Is it centerim-related or libpurple-related ?
> Where should I look for logs (nothing in .centerim5/clogs) ?

Hello Seb,

Can you join the same XMPP MUC if you use Pidgin?

You can enable logging to a file if you add the following two
preferences in the ~/centerim5/prefs.xml file under the
centerim5/log/ branch:
<pref version='1' name='/'>
  <pref name='centerim5'>
    <pref name='log'>
      <pref name='debug' type='bool' value='1'/>
      <pref name='filename' type='string' value='debug.log'/>

This change needs to be done when the program is not running.
Messages will be stored in file ~/.centerim5/debug.log. Log
levels can be changed in the option window. Try to set more
verbose logging for libpurple to see if there is any error.


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