Hi Alain,

LOL, great timing!

As we speak I am working on a guide for SASL with ssl/tls but using dovecot's SASL implementation rather than Cyrus SASL as I used dovecot for imap/pop3 in my original postfix guide rather than Cyrusimapd. See here:


At the moment I'm just trying to figure out generating certs for ssl/tls as this aspect is all a bit new to me.

Anyway, two different approaches to crack the same nut. So how best to proceed?

Obviously we don't want to duplicate each other's efforts. Maybe there is scope for both as they use very different implementations. Your guide also covers quotas and virtual domains which is something I have yet to cover in any of my guides (although virtual domains was on my list of things to do).

Anyway, I'm easy and open to suggestions on how best to proceed to the best benefit of the Wiki and community :)



Alain Reguera Delgado wrote:
Hi guys,

Take a look at:


this intend to be a basic guide on how to build a
Postfix+CyrusImapd+SASL Mail System with quotas and virtual domains on
CentOS 5.0.

Could we improve it some way ?. What do you suggest, ... comments ?

Maybe it would be linked from HowTos when you conceder it ready. This
guide could be a complement to the NedSlider's postfix articles series
(if Ned and you guys agree that, of course :) ).

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