On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 5:26 PM, Dennis Jacobfeuerborn
<denni...@conversis.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> today we ran into a strange problem: When performing a regular Windows
> 2008r2 update apparently among other things the following was installed:
> "SUSE - Storage Controller - SUSE Block Driver for Windows"
> Previously the disk drive was using the Red Hat virtio drivers which
> worked just fine but after the reboot after the update I just get a blue
> screen indicating that Windows cannot find a boot device.
> Does anyone understand what is going on here? Why is the windows update
> installing a Suse driver that overrides the Red Hat driver even though
> it is apparently incompatible with the system?
> Regards,
>   Dennis

Did you roll back the driver and did it work after that?
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