Am 09.10.2014 um 16:57 schrieb Les Mikesell <>:
> I have.  And I know how to.  Ascii sort order is a straightforward
> concept for both humans and computers.  I knew how to deal with
> scenarios with subtle issues like the network service 'completing'
> startup even though the connected switch was still doing spanning tree
> and the next network operation would fail.  And now I don't know how
> to tell how introducing some new arbitrary service will interact with
> an existing arbitrary set.

As I said, because you don't known doesn't mean its faulty -> human factor. 

> You are just deferring the pain unless you plan to retire before EOL
> for EL6 and foist the work off on someone else.

An interesting idea, that was born in your head, right? 

I would suggest to keeping the facts on the table and 
concatenating opinions and other nonsense to device null.


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