On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 11:31 AM, Kai Schaetzl <mailli...@conactive.com> wrote:
> Les Mikesell wrote on Wed, 12 Nov 2014 10:13:07 -0600:
>> Well, no.
> Well, *yes*. It's not business to be carried out on the list nor does the
> guy who moans about it seem to know why. And if you are the second from
> Gmail then please move it off-list as well. It's really not anyone's
> problem on this list what Gmail does.

Gmail isn't making this up, it is doing what the sender's domain
explicitly tells it to do with mail with a From: address in that
domain when it is (re)sent by a non-permitted host.  So yes it is
relevant to the list that if you don't want your mail to end up in
spam folders you shouldn't use a From: address in a domain that sets
p=quarantine or p=reject in its dmarc record, because that is exactly
what those say to do per the faq from www.dmarc.org.

   Les Mikesell
CentOS mailing list

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