On 12/14/2014 07:58 PM, Stephen Harris wrote:
On Sun, Dec 14, 2014 at 07:22:01PM -0500, Mark LaPierre wrote:
On 12/14/14 07:29, ken wrote:
uname -r; rpm -q libusb

CentOS 6.6 says:
[mlapier@mushroom ~]$ uname -r; rpm -q libusb

CentOS 5 has:

CentOS 6 has:

CentOS 7 has:

Thanks to everyone who's replied thus far. It seems the information given at http://pkgs.org/ isn't fully correct.

These multiple libusb's throw quite a bit of ambiguity and doubt into the process of compiling and linking sources which ask for libusb v.1.0.x. Symlinking or changing a Makefile or *.h file might allow compilation to succeed (or not), then might successful linking (or not), and then might let the executable(s) run correctly (or not); the last part I (or anyone else) might not find out until after the merchandise return deadline has passed. Who knows? One thing is certain: Canon could have put a little more effort into their code and provided a friendlier and less doubtful driver package.

Speaking of improvements: Better commands for displaying this info would be:

cat /etc/redhat-release
rpm -qa | grep libusb

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