on 1/28/2008 6:57 AM Chris Mauritz spake the following:
Bill Campbell wrote:
On Sun, Jan 27, 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is their any gotcha when using ResiserFs as a file system?
We used reiserfs for a while on SuSE systems thinking that it
would be OK because it was the default.  Unfortunately I have had
several occassions where we had massive data loss with reiserfs
so haven't used for several years.

We moved to ext3 on the ``/'' file system with xfs on other file
systems on SuSE with no problems.  The ext3 systems seem to be
bullet proof, and xfs doesn't require fsck in most cases.

We have used ext3 on all the CentOS systems as it doesn't support
xfs in the default configuration.

I also played around with Reiser for a while.  If you want a "fire and
forget" solution, it isn't for you.  As several others have mentioned, you
need to jump through a lot of extra hoops to keep it operating and the
data loss can be catestrophic if it fails.  All that hassle for a bit of
extra disk performance isn't really worth it.  EXT3 is plenty fast enough
for me.

On the flipside, perhaps if you call Hans and agree to cover his legal
bills you can get a good lifetime support contract.  :)

Last I heard, he was being investigated for a possible "lifetime commitment".
But that was a while ago.

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