Chuck Campbell wrote:
> I have a centos 6.6 laptop which is having trouble (intermittent boot
> failures, or more rightly so, multiple failures, intermittent booting).
The laptop
> is running selinux. I pulled the second internal disk out to get my data
off of
> it. I plugged it into my centos 5.x machine and mounted it. I was able
to do a
> dir listing, but whrn I tried to cd into any of the directories, I get a
bunch of AVC
> denials, and I can't see any files. The contos 5.x machine is selinux
> and so is the centos 6.x box. The files are all owned by me, and have
the same
> uid/gid on both boxes.
> What is the right way to do this?
My reaction would have been simple: set selinux to permissive on your
machine, back up what you wanted, then return it to enforcing.


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