Once upon a time, Les Mikesell <lesmikes...@gmail.com> said:
> Now we know the issues, and hopefully someone had done the simulation
> tests.

No, we know the issue that broke last time (2012), and a different issue
that broke the time before that (2008) (they were different problems).
We don't know any issues that may happen this time, unless you think no
bugs have been introduced since the last leap second (obviously
hindsight tells us there were between 2008 and 2012).

Before the 2012 leap second, I ran tests to make sure the 2008 issue had
been fixed, and it had.  However, apparently nobody else ran their
current setups through tests (maybe also hoping somebody else had done
it), so there was a new issue.  I haven't actually checked to see that
the 2008 issue has remained fixed (it should have, since the code had
been changed to move away from that lock all together).  My setup wasn't
hit by the 2012 issue, so I don't have a simple test for that.

So again, if you want to make sure there's no new issue, you'll have to
set up a test yourself.  I doubt the 2008 or 2012 issues will happen
again, but there's plenty of room for new issues.

Chris Adams <li...@cmadams.net>
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