Hello All, 

on a Centos5 system installed with software raid I'm getting: 

raid1: raid set md127 active with 2 out of 2 mirrors 

md:.... autorun DONE 

md: Autodetecting RAID arrays 

md: autorun..... 

md : autorun DONE 

trying to resume form /dev/md1 

creating root device 

mounting root device 

mounting root filesystem 

ext3-fs : unable to read superblock 

mount : error mounting /dev/root on /sysroot as ext3: invalid argument 

setting up other filesystems.7 

setting up new root fs 

setuproot: moving /dev failed : no such file of directory 

no fstab.sys, mounting internal defaults 

setuproot : error mounting /proc : no such file or directory 

setuproot: error mounting /sys : No such file of directory 

Switching to new root and running init 

unmounting old /dev 

unmounting old /proc 

unmounting old /sys 

switchroot : mount failed : No such file of directory 

kernel panic - not syncing : Attempted to kill init! 

Now I'm trying to boot into rescue mode from a Centos dvd, at the end of the 
Anaconda sequence I get: 

no linux partitions found. 

at the command prompt, fdisk -l gives me: 







I'm not sure where to go from here. 

I try chrooting as described here 

but chrooting always fails with: 

chroot : failed to run command ' /usr/bin/bash" : no such file or directory. 

Any help would be deeply appreciated. 

greetings, Johan 
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