On 10/22/2015 10:31 AM, Andrew Holway wrote:
> Hi,
> So, it seems that the current version of PHP in Centos 7 is PHP 5.4.16
> however this version of PHP stopped getting security support from the PHP
> people one month ago [1].
> Now, our developers want to use the new and shiny PHP because they want to
> use the latest version of Zend. They are proposing using this package [2]
> but I never heard of this repo.
> Other than building the packages ourselves is there a more acceptable way
> to run a later version of PHP?
> Thoughts? Experiences? Ramblings?

I would point out that Red Hat backports items to RHEL-7 (and we
therefore backport those into CentOS-7 when we rebuild the source code).

I would also point out that the developers who ignore RHEL then ignore
getting their code into enterprises that use RHEL.  Being that those
enterprises are the people PAYING for Linux, it MIGHT be the brightest
idea for those developers to write code that they expect to be paid for
for non-enterprise distributions :)

That said, software collections is one way to get newer development
tools and we should have more software collections, including a newer
version of php, very soon in CentOS-7.

The collections will go here when ready:


Right now only a couple of things there.  Will be more soon.

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