Once upon a time, Pete Orrall <p...@cs1x.com> said:
> > So, at which stage are you in w/ regards to adopting systemd?  Are you still
> > ridiculing it, violently opposed to it, or have you mellowed to it?
> I've never had to write my own init scripts before so I'm not feeling
> the pain of others, but having professionally managed machines running
> SystemD for a while now honestly I don't mind it.  While the language
> used (units, targets) is confusing and documentation could be better,
> there are some things I like about it more than SysVInit.

Yeah, the old init script setup was sorely lacking in some areas
(especially dependencies).  While there were well-written init scripts
that were easy to understand, had plenty of configuration options, etc.,
there were many that were largely unreadable.

I like to distinguish systemd-the-pid-1 from systemd-the-project; I
generally like systemd-the-pid-1 (it isn't perfect by any means, but I
think it is an improvement).  On the other hand, I dislike the scope
creep and "replace all the wheels" approach of systemd-the-project.

Chris Adams <li...@cmadams.net>
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