On Apr 20, 2017, at 3:00 PM, Robert Moskowitz <r...@htt-consult.com> wrote:
> So I have learned that Postfix should delay until Chronyd has moved the 
> system time from 0 to current.

I think it’s more the case that CentOS is written with the assumption that 
you’re running it on a host with a battery-backed RTC, so that system time 
isn’t wildly off at boot time.  This includes VMs, since the VM host should 
pass its RTC through to the VM.

What are you running CentOS on that doesn’t have this property?

The only such system I can think of which will also run CentOS is the Raspberry 
Pi 3. They dropped the battery-backed RTC in the name of cost savings and that 
most Pi boards are network-connected, so they can get Internet time soon after 
boot.  But yeah, there is a small window...

> What other services need to be delayed?

I can only speculate.  But take the above as a warning: lots of other software 
may assume sane system time at startup.  Short of a massive code audit or your 
present “canvass the audience” approach, I don’t know how you find out which 

> Apache?

Just speculating here, but my sense is that Apache doesn’t care about dates and 
times until it gets an HTTP request, in order to handle Expires headers and 
such correctly. And, HTTP being stateless, even if an HTTP request comes in so 
early that it gives the wrong answer, it should get back on track once the 
system clock is fixed.

> Bind?

Similar to Apache, due to cache expiration rules.  Since “now” minus time_t(0) 
is $bignum, that means as soon as the system clock is fixed, it will expire all 
the info it learned in the time the clock was wrong, and any info it gave out 
with start time equal to 0 + epsilon will expire immediately in clients’ DNS 

Since so much other software depends on having a local DNS server early in 
their startup, I would definitely not delay BIND startup on any machine where 
the local DNS configuration points to localhost.
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