On 04/07/2017 10:12 AM, H wrote:
I installed fcitx-pinyn, and its dependencies, and I now have ZH as a choice 
but have not been able to type pinyin and get a list of Chinese characters to 
choose among like I could on CentOS 6. Does anyone have it working?

On 4/2/2017 11:27 AM, H wrote:
Thank you, I just discovered your post. I just installed fcitx-pinyin to try 

On 02/25/2017 09:04 PM, Scott Robbins wrote:
On Sat, Feb 25, 2017 at 08:51:41PM -0500, Scott Robbins wrote:
On Sat, Feb 25, 2017 at 08:42:43PM -0500, H wrote:
I have just done a minimal installation of Centos7 followed by X Windows and 
the Mate desktop on a workstation. Although the default language is English, I 
would like to be able to write Chinese text in various applications.

I seem to remember this was very easy to do in Centos 6 and Gnome: possibly only 
requiring only a simple 'yum groupinstall "Chinese Support"' after which I 
could use iBus to switch between languages. This does not seem to work in Centos 7.

These days, I use fcitx-anthy on CentOS (which took some work to set up,
but ibus-anthy, at least, (for Japanese) worked pretty well. I have
instructions, again, for Japanese, but quite possibly applicable at
I'm going to add that a quick look through pkgs.org shows that CentOS-7x
does have packages for fcitx-pinyin and a few other Chinese engines, and it
might be worth considering making the switch. It seems (general impression
on my part) to be replacing ibus in a lot of places, in the same way ibus
gradually replaced scim.

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Still have not solved my problem above, i.e., after installing fcitx I can 
switch between US English and a European language but not to Chinese.

I run the Mate Desktop on CentOS 7 and the configuration tool for fcitx that 
has been installed in the Settings Panel complains that a 
fcitx-config/fcitx-configtool program is missing.

I have not been able to find that program on the 'net and am hoping someone 
else - anyone - is using fcitx for input of an Asian language in CentOS7/Mate...

By the way, LibreOffice seems to have a couple of Chinese fonts installed, I am 
not sure I need to install additional fonts for the OS?

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