Straying OT ...

> > On Tue, September 19, 2017 1:42 pm, Nux! wrote:
> > > Unfortunately the same can be said about Ruby, RoR, Python etc etc etc.
> > 
> > It is not as much true about languages themselves (though it is true, and
> > I for one call python "sneaky snake" just because of that ;-), as about
> <snip>
> Yeah, in addition to my reaction to "you're using *whitespace* as a syntax
> element?!", I had an early dislike of python, when each new sub-release
> broke things that had worked in the previous.

As a sysadmin/programmer I really detest using indents to denote
lexical level. But when I have ever expressed such opinions I am
invariably shouted down and told that it makes programming easier and
I'm just an elitist nerd. And don't get me started on the incompatible
point releases.


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