Hello list,

Is there a command line tool I run on a ttf font and get a list of the Unicode Ranges for that that font that would be compatible with the unicode-range: parameter in a CSS @fontface declaration?

I'm guessing something in the python world probably exists...

Hopefully something that works in CentOS 7

I need something like that for a FLOSS font server project that doesn't track users.

I don't feel a need to split up a font by unicode range, but a lot of fonts are already split by their upstream developers according to language support - e.g. the Noto Fonts, the main font has a lot of glyphs but Hebrew for example is in it's own font file already.

I want to be able to get the range information for what the fonts support.

Thanks for any tips.

My font server project I need it for is at https://github.com/AliceWonderMiscreations/FlossWoff2
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