> Do you have any instructiions on how to do this? I realise it's far from 
> ideal, but I need to get this system working, and can do it on a stand alone 
> server.

It's a long time since I've done it, but I think CPAN puts some
variables in your .bashrc to configure the process.  First you should
run 'perl -V' to see if there are any entries that aren't the system
wide location - you are looking for the @INC path and/or variables like

If they are ok, at the CPAN prompt do 'o conf' to see what CPAN thinks
the config is - I think the crucial options are the ones that start

Ultimately you can redo the CPAN config by 'o conf init'.

> > But I think the .spec file generated, or the variables used for the
> > 
> > 
> > it is trying to package ..../usr/share/
> > 
> > I think you need the help of someone who knows about .spec files!
> > 
> I did wonder if maybe my rpmbuild spec is wrong as every RPM I'm trying to 
> create is looking in the wrong location for the man pages, and the perl 
> module files.  I commented out the line for the man pages, but can't comment 
> out the perl modules :)

The build and locations are influenced by some environment variables
setup by rpmbuild - I have a feeling that the perl build process is
using different locations to the rpmbuild so everything is getting


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