On 3/18/19 6:39 PM, H wrote:
Think I got it to work now, I needed to add the RUN export ... at the page you 
linked to.

Running "export" in your Dockerfile won't change the image that gets built.

I tried running geany in a container on Fedora and had to make two adjustments.  First, the Fedora SELinux policy blocks access to /tmp/.X11-unix, and second I had to enable local connections using xhost, so:

$ sudo setenforce permissive
$ xhost +local:docker
$ docker run -i -t --rm -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v ~/Documents:/root/Documents centos:7 /bin/bash --login
[root@45fdbee081d2 /]# yum -y install epel-release > /dev/null 2>&1
[root@45fdbee081d2 /]# yum -y install geany > /dev/null 2>&1
[root@45fdbee081d2 /]# geany
$ sudo setenforce enforcing

I can now get geany to open, have not yet figured out how to be able to access 
files on the host computer...

You'd use docker-run's "-v" flag to bind-mount the directory containing your files in the container, as I mounted my Documents directory above.  Take a look at the "docker-run" man page and check the documentation for each of the flags used in that command, at a minimum.

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