On 14/05/2019 09:28, Gary Stainburn wrote:
On Tuesday 14 May 2019 08:36:26 qw wrote:

I can create centos 7.4 DVD. But how to create centos bootable USB flash drive?
I've just done this with the latest DVD using

dd if=CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1810.iso of=/dev/sdb

where sdb was the USB drive as assigned by the kernel when I plugged it in. I 
got this by running

tail -f /var/log/messages

You can do that, but if you have a lot happening in /var/log/messages and it's pretty busy then running the "dmesg" command after inserting the USB drive, it displays the kernel message buffer, so would be limited to the loading of drivers etc... the end of the output should correspond to the device you just connected.
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