> On Oct 26, 2021, at 16:03, Jerry Geis <jerry.g...@gmail.com> wrote:
> When using NetworkManager instead of the ifcfg-eth1/eth0 files - I make a
> nmcli connection and modify "Wired connection 1" +ipv4.addr IP/22
> kind of command - it works - which is great. It "adds" the virtual IP.
> However - when doing ifconfig that "virtual" IP does not show up.  When
> using NetworkManager - to add the virtual IP - how do I get that to show
> using ifconfig also ?
> it used to show as eth1:0

1.) The “ifconfig” command is deprecated. Use the “ip” command instead, or 
“nmcli” to interact with NetworkMamager.

2.) “ifconfig” can’t show multiple IPs on an interface, one of the reasons why 
it is deprecated.

3.) Don’t use “eth0:1” style virtual interfaces, that was a hack for ifconfig 
to support multiple IPs.

Jonathan Billings

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