Am 21.11.21 um 20:07 schrieb Andreas Fournier:
On Sat, 2021-11-20 at 11:46 +0100, Andreas Fournier wrote:
On Sat, 2021-11-20 at 15:33 +0530, Thomas Stephen Lee wrote:
On Sat, Nov 20, 2021 at 2:32 PM Andreas Fournier
<> wrote:

I just came across something strange with my fully updated
server. When I try to ssh into it the same way I've always done I
"Too many authentication failures". This just came out of the
using the root account and a password. But in my sshd_config it
#MaxAuthTries 6
Which I think is the default.

 From the console I can log in fine and when I look in the logs
I can just see the the attempts I just made, that are less than
no previous denied attemps.

Any clues what's going on?

I got the same error once.
In my case the problem was ssh tried to log in with ssh keys before
giving a password prompt.

Thanks, same for me. I had added a new key for a different server to
the ssh client machine that got it over the limit.

This got me wondering what is the best practice for a situation where
you have a machine with more than five keys on file in able to ssh to
different servers. But you would also like to ssh with password to an
other set of servers.

I would suggest to configure your needs in .ssh/config

Check man ssh_config. Example:


 Host myhost.example
 PubkeyAuthentication yes
 User myuser.example
 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/mysecretkey.example

 Host *
 PubkeyAuthentication no

Just to get the idea. Top-down, first entry win, last is the default.

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