absurd subject, but I don't know how else I could describe what is happening.
I have a small static website hosted on a Centos 7 VPS (that I'll update as 
soon as possible, but what follows is much more urgent, I must absolutely fix 
it asap).
The website is generated by Hugo. I run hugo on my computer, then rsync 
everything on the server, in the /var/www/html/hugo/MYWEBSITE folder.
Everything worked great for years.
This week I rebuilt the whole website almost from scratch, using a different 
hugo theme and updating many pages.
Then I ran rsync, checked the new website in my browser, jumping from page to 
page, and everything worked as expected: new theme, new content, new menus, 
2/3 minutes later, the OLD website reappeared, all of it, as if I had not ran 
rsync at all. For example, in the new website there is a new subfolder called 
"bio", that did not exist in the old version.

If I ssh to the server, cd to /var/www/html/hugo/MYWEBSITE  and run "ls -l" 
RIGHT AFTER running rsync, I see the "bio" subfolder. If I do "ls -l" 3 minutes 
later, the "bio" subfolder is no more.

I have repeated the rsync process 5/6 times before writing this email, and it's 
always the same. Every time I rsync, what I uploaded lasts 2/3 minutes, then 
the WHOLE folder on the server is erased and refilled with the previous full 
version of the website.

It's as if there were some hidden cron job somewhere that runs hugo on the OLD 
source files, but I can't find it. All the standard methods one can find by 
googling "how to list all cron jobs" don't show anything that may be the reason.
THANKS in advance for any help,
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