on 6-6-2008 3:32 PM Vidar Normann spake the following:

On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 12:16 AM, Ruslan Sivak <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Scott Silva wrote:


            The ones on their standard download page are not compatible
            with Xen kernels according to the release notes.  The ones
            to be used for Xen kernels on x64 is this one:

            That only has a zip file, not an image file.


        http://www.3ware.com/KB/article.aspx?id=15257 is the files that
        go on a driver disk. I just dl'd it and opened it.
        I know there is a way to use a driver disk from other media, but
        I can't find it, and I'm sure someone on list will remember how.

    Yes these are the files I was using.  It wouldn't let me install
    with these files on a usb drive or a cdrom, but it worked fine when
    I put them on a floppy.  I then did an upgrade install of CentOS,
    and was able to boot into the system.
    The only issue now seems to be that I still can't boot the xen
    kernel with it.  I tried manually copying the 3w-9xxx.ko from
    /lib/modules/2.6.18-53.el5/updates to
    /lib/modules/2.6.18-53.1.21.el5xen/updates, but that didn't seem to

    Do I need to mkinitrd or something?

Maybe not 100% useful, but I had trouble installing CentOS on a machine with a 9690SA as recently as tonight - who has floppy drives anymore? (Well, I did, but all my floppies were unusable, big shock..)

The trick was to use the method explained on this site to turn the files in the driver download from 3ware into an image:

Upload it to somewhere accessible via the Internet or your local network. Then all I had to do was boot with the parameter:
linux dd=http://somewhere.com/filename

Good to know that dd supports http and ftp out of the box and not just local media.

I knew someone would remember how to use a driverdisk image over a network!

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