on 6-18-2008 9:17 PM Filipe Brandenburger spake the following:
On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 4:28 PM, John Thomas
I use NX and find it amazing.  I downloaded the RPMs from nomachine.com
because I had not found that they are built in one of the repos (testing if
memory serves).

I second that.

NX works over SSH so its connection is encrypted by default (you don't
have to mess with tunnels).

Also, NX response time is hard to beat, and its graphics are better
than VNC a long shot.

And you have clients for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. The clients are
really easy to set up (unlike XMing for instance).

Xming was pretty easy to set-up. Run the windows installer, set putty sessions to forward X, and it just worked. But NX is a better option, but not necessarily an easier one. What I like about XMing and putty is just getting the remote window I am running, and not a whole scaled desktop. And I was already using putty on a daily basis, so it was the least complicated for me.

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