Timothy Murphy wrote:
Ralph Angenendt wrote:

Sorry to be dumb, but what is the point of calling it Centos-5.2?
Is it just that if installing Centos from scratch,
one could download a more up-to-date version?
Think of it as a rebase with added kernel drivers, some newer features
and so on, while still basically being CentOS 5.

Or - if you come from the windows world - CentOS 5, service pack 2.

But does one actually get Windows XP SP3 simply by repeated "Windows Update"s?

Re kernel drivers, are you saying that Centos only updates the kernel
when there is a (minor) distribution change?

I'm not complaining, just slightly baffled by the nomenclature.


Windows XP service pack 3 was released recently, Windows NT 4 had 6 service packs

I used kernel as an example. But the same applies for Gnome, KDE, Xen, sound card drivers, network drivers, etc.


Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers
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