On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 02:58:59PM +0200, MOKRANI Rachid wrote:
> Hi,
Hi Rachid,

Gentle quidelines reminder:
- don't hijack threads, create a new one.

> I'm using Centos 2.4.21-37.ELsmp.
Under CentOS 3, you should be running 2.4.21-57.ELsmp...

> Under root user I can erase and burn a CDRW with succes.
permissions issues, probably.
> But under normal user it's impossible and the following error message appeared
> this is on the same machine.

What are the permissions of your /dev/{cdrom/cdwriter}?

you could probably make a specific cdrecoed entry in /etc/sudoers
and use sudo(8).


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