Stephen Harris wrote:
On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 12:07:09PM -0700, Aleksey Tsalolikhin wrote:
value.  I suggest using the -P switch to df, so you don't have to deal
with multi-line output per filesystem.

Ugh, hasn't RedHat fixed that?  Sun have (for a long time) automatically
done this if stdout is not a terminal.


So my previous mail should really be
  df -Pkl | awk '/^\/dev\// { avail += $3/1024 } END { printf("%d Mb 
used\n",avail)} '

This is work well on my laptop that running Fedora 9 with no LVM but on CentOS 5.2 with LVM it cann't calculate the LVM volume, below is output of my system :

Filesystem         1024-blocks      Used Available Capacity Mounted on
/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 274405432  18584656 241656808       8% /
/dev/sda2               101105     19096     76788      20% /boot
tmpfs                  1682508         0   1682508       0% /dev/shm

and with the command of Stephen :
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# df -Pkl | awk '/^\/dev\// { avail += $3/1024 } END { printf("%d Mb used\n",avail)} '
18173 Mb used

So it seam to be bot calculated on /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00
I am just a newbie with Linux and stupid enough to not to know how to fix the command so just post it and hope you guys can improve the script ;)

Thanks for the tip.

Have fun.

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